- Launchpad!
- Hope Project
- Waikato Hospital Chaplaincy
- Mercy Ships
- Indian Mission Field
Launchpad is a not-for-profit organisation that works through schools to equip local children / tamariki with tools to navigate the ever-changing world with Christian values education. For further information visit cec.org.nz
The Hope Project is a nationwide initiative seeking to put Christ back into Easter and Christmas. For further information go to alltogether.co.nz/hopeproject
The Church helps to cover the ongoing costs of this vital resource in Waikato Hospital, ministering to all patients.
Mercy Ships is an international charity dedicated to bringing hope and healing to the world's poorest people. They bring free healthcare services to people of all ages in desperate circumstances - people who have no chance to get the medical help they need until a hospital ship from Mercy Ships comes to town - mercyships.org.nz
WEC is a multi-ethnic, multi-national and inter-denominational movement caring for the wellness of the entire missionary family, internationally and locally. Our WEC team provide ongoing support for field missionaries returning home, training and all round support for their families.
Knox Church supports the work of a missionary couple who have dedicated their lives to helping substance addicts find a new and Christ-centred approach to getting clean and becoming full members of society.